Private Programs


If you’re here it’s because something has changed.

Often it’s for the best reasons. Good, happy change. Like growth or new funding. And sometimes it’s for hard reasons. Like layoffs or leadership changes. 

In these moments of big change, everything feels slower. It’s harder to get things done. And the group of people tasked with making it all run smoothly — your management team — are underequipped. Not because they aren’t smart or capable or generally rad at their craft. But because they’re doing it for the first time ever or doing it for the first time with you. And you need them to step up.


These are our people.


You need a strong management team.

A private program is a phenomenal way to establish shared language, cross-functional accountability, and concrete skills. You need leaders who actually talk to each other about what needs to get done. Instead of blaming and escalating any time they need to work together.

Our private programs build a shared set of expectations, which is essential when you’ve got leaders who came up in different orgs. Or many leaders stepping into new roles all at the same time.


Expert and relevant facilitation is at the heart of why we’re different.


The good news is that your people are very smart, and the techniques involved in building thriving teams are all learnable.

And some of them may figure it out eventually. But in the meantime, your org can’t wait. With intentional design and expert facilitation, you can have a high-performing management team in place before your next pulse survey.

Johnathan and Melissa are the only ones who train on behalf of Raw Signal Group.

Getting smart, struggling bosses to grapple with how they lead is our specialty. We get called in when it needs to be good. When it matters that the material is evidence-based, data-backed, and credible. And that the people at the front of the room (or Zoom) are, too.


Johnathan and Melissa Nightingale are the founders of Raw Signal Group, best-selling authors, and world experts on management and leadership.


Kind Words

Our alum organizations talk about our programs as transformational. They use words like “night and day,” and they tell us they wish they’d done it sooner. Their managers come back with clarity about their team’s priorities and capacity to help their people grow.


"Initially our team was quite skeptical as most leadership training programs seem a bit "fluffy" and often do not capture the tech, startup space. However, both Melissa and Johnathan won them over immediately with their strong tech backgrounds and honesty! I felt that our team was engaged with the content and were able to action many of the learnings with their teams right away. We have continued to meet monthly to keep the conversation going and create a community for people managers."

Fintech startup, People & Culture Lead


"This afternoon I got a share-out from my team of our latest engagement survey results. I decided to take a little screen-shot for you - and I hope it puts a smile on your face as you go into the weekend. I think the numbers say it all, but wanted you to know that we have seen some absolutely massive improvements in how our team feels about our management practices since going through training."

Tech innovation firm, President

"Our team is full of new managers, so bringing in Raw Signal Group was a way for us to give a high-level overview of what management is, while also drilling deeper on key topics like holding effective one-on-one meetings, and how to provide feedback. We've noticed a huge improvement in our internal processes and approach to management since our sessions, and I would suggest RSG to any team looking to level up their managers - regardless of whether they're new managers looking to learn from the ground up, or seasoned managers who need to get out of bad habits."

Marketing Agency, Managing Director

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Is a private program right for your organization?

Our private cohorts range from 20-50 leaders.


This size tends to ensure a healthy discussion where everyone is able to participate. For groups of 60 or more, we typically recommend splitting across two cohorts.

(If you’re from a smaller org without 20 leaders to train at once, don’t worry. Our open enrollment programs, BPX and Betterboss, tend to be great fits.)

A private program is a powerful tool when you need an intervention. Where it's one part giving your people the skills to rise to the occasion, another part giving them

space to process their own reaction to change, and also having them rely on each other so that when they go back into the org, they’re ready to bring the rest of the team along. For that to work, you need a program run by people who have been there. It does not work to take a team with that much at stake and hand them to a newly minted trainer with a badge and a slide deck.

If you’re looking to do some work with a large group of leaders in a high-stakes moment, we’d love to talk.


Get in touch


We love this stuff. Let’s talk.
1 (844) 979-0774

1414 Danforth Ave
Toronto, ON
Canada M4J 1M9