Comprehensive, online management training
for individuals and growing teams

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Feel more confident in your management skills and your ability to lead.

Whether you want to get better at delivering feedback. Or want more tools to engage and retain your staff. Level up your leadership skills and establish a framework to know how it's going, and troubleshoot along the way.

BPX was built for this. 

Despite what your little league coach may have said, there’s no such thing as a born leader. Effective management is a set of discrete, learnable skills. Each week in BPX, we introduce, dissect, and understand the individual components. Over six weeks, we stitch the pieces together. You’ll finish the program with a robust toolkit, including everything you need to grow and develop your team.


We’ve worked with thousands of leaders across hundreds of organizations.

BPX uses an "inverted classroom" approach. Each week, you'll unlock 1-3 hours of self-study work to review at your own pace, followed by a live 1-hour Zoom session with Melissa and Johnathan where we unpack it all as a group. The self-study videos are all captioned, and broken up into short segments. You can binge a week’s content in a single evening, or space it out as your schedule allows. People tell us it’s a bit like listening to their favourite podcast.

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Week 00
Intros & Kickoff

Welcome. We’re excited you’re here. Grab a warm beverage and some headphones. Our first live session sets up the rest of the program. You’ll meet Melissa, Johnathan, and the rest of your wonderful cohort.

Time commitment: 1-hour live session


live session:
TUE, Jan 7
1pM-2pM ET



Week 01
Foundations & Alignment

Starting from first principles, you'll learn what management is (and isn’t), and how to build aligned and effective teams as organizations grow.

Time commitment: 1-hour live session + 3-hours self-study


live session:
TUE, Jan 14
1pM-2pM ET



Week 02
Mentoring, Coaching, 1:1s

In week 2, we’ll pack a bunch of new tools into your toolbox for building excellent (and highly engaged) teams. You’ll leave this week running better 1:1s, and with a clear framework for how to develop your people.

Time commitment: 1-hour live EXERCISE + 1-hour self-studY


TUE, Jan 21
1pM-2pM ET



Week 03
Performance Management

Building on our new skills around mentoring, coaching, and 1:1s, we’ll dive deep into designing career paths, delivering feedback, and managing performance for everyone from the most junior to the most senior employees on your team.

Time commitment: 1-hour live session + 2-hours self-study


live session:
TUE, Jan 28
1pM-2pM ET



Week 04
Building & Operating

Talent is the most valuable resource in any organization. You'll develop skills to help you get the right people in the door, and then get them doing their best work.

Time commitment: 1-hour live EXERCISE + 3-hours self-study


TUE, feb 4
1pM-2pM ET



Week 05
Leadership & Resilience

In our final week, we turn our attention inward. You’ll develop an integrated approach around how you show up as a leader, and how to put the right scaffolding in place for when things get hectic.

Time commitment: 1-hour live session + 2.5-hours self-study


live session:
TUE, feb 11
1pM-2pM ET

Feel more confident in your management skills and your ability to lead.

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BPX is for people managers. You should have active management responsibilities today to get the most out of the program. It helps to be in the thick of things so you can put what you learn into practice right away.

So here’s the deal.

You want to come solo? We’d love to have you.

You want to bring several of your colleagues along? Great. We accept a max of 10 people per organization so that no group overwhelms the discussion.

Want to spin up a private program for 20 or more leaders? Get in touch.


Registration is now closed.

To hear about the next BPX, join The Guest List.




🇨🇦Price in CAD and subject to HST for companies based in Canada.



🇺🇸Price in USD without tax applied, for companies outside Canada.


If you are a do-gooder leader in a non-profit OR if you work at an incredible RSG-alum org, we have a special code for you. Get in touch. And if you plan to use the Canada-Ontario Job Grant to offset training costs, send us a note. You'll need a bit of paperwork from us in order to complete your application.


Wanna know about the next one? 

Sign up below and we'll tell you first about upcoming RSG programs.



  • We recommend that you set aside 4 hours per week total. That includes one hour per week for the live sessions and approximately 2-3 hours for the self-study portions.

    BPX runs across 6 weeks and don’t worry, we’ll send you calendar invites for all the live sessions!

  • Nope. When you’re in a program with us, we ask you to bring real, honest conversation and questions. For many folks that’s harder to do if the recording light is on, and it’s unclear where those recordings might get shared. We don't record, or allow anyone else to record the sessions — what happens in BPX stays in BPX.

  • You have access to the online content for three months from the start of the program. You'll have time to go back, watch anything you missed, download the templates, and review the modules.

  • All Raw Signal Group management training programs are eligible for the Canada Ontario Job Grant. If you are interested in learning more, get in touch. We can help connect you to providers who are familiar with our programs.

  • BPX brings together up to 60 leaders from a variety of organizations—the program ranges in size based on season.

  • Our live sessions are done through Zoom and offer live English transcription. We use hand raising, chat, and the breakout room functionality, but we don’t use the collaborative whiteboard or other visual features. The self-study materials are a mix of text and video, delivered through a web-based platform (Thinkific). The videos are formatted as slides with voice-overs by Melissa and Johnathan, and are all closed-captioned. The slides visuals are offered as a teaching aid, but the material they contain is also addressed in the voiceover. If you have any other accessibility requirements or questions, please let us know.

  • Yes! We've worked with leaders from education, government, and other not-for-profit organizations. BPX is focused on how to get great work out of your people in a sustainable way. While we talk about building effective teams working towards well-constructed goals, we're very intentionally non-prescriptive about what those goals should be.

    Also, we offer do-gooder bosses a discount on registration. Shoot us a note if you want the code.

  • Yes. All Raw Signal Events are governed by our inclusion policy, and every attendee must read and agree to it before participating.

  • Shoot us an email with any questions you’ve got and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

  • If you’re not sure and want more information, get in touch.